<!ENTITY warn.enteringsecure "Loading a page that supports encryption">
<!ENTITY edit.sslciphers "Edit Ciphers...">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl2.rc2_40 "40-bit RC2 encryption with RSA and an MD5 MAC (export)">
<!ENTITY warn.viewmixed "Viewing a page with an encrypted/unencrypted mix">
<!ENTITY certselect.ask "Ask Every Time">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl2.rc4_40 "40-bit RC4 encryption with RSA and an MD5 MAC (export)">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl3.rsa_rc2_40_md5 "40-bit RC2 encryption with RSA and an MD5 MAC (export)">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl3.rsa_rc4_128_md5 "128-bit RC4 encryption with RSA and an MD5 MAC">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl2.des_ede3_192 "168-bit Triple DES encryption with RSA and MD5 MAC ">
<!ENTITY certselect.description "Decide how &brandShortName; selects a security certificate to present to web sites that require one:">
<!ENTITY warn.secureredirect "Redirecting from one encrypted page to another">
<!ENTITY certselect.auto "Select Automatically">
<!ENTITY warn.description "&brandShortName; can alert you to the security status of the web page you are viewing. Set &brandShortName; to show a warning and ask permission before:">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl3.rsa_des_sha "56-bit DES encryption with RSA and a SHA1 MAC">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl2.rc2_128 "128-bit RC2 encryption with RSA and an MD5 MAC">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl2.label "SSL2 Cipher Suites">
<!ENTITY enable.ssl3 "Enable SSL version 3">
<!ENTITY cipher.tab.ssl2 "SSL2">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_256_sha "256-bit AES encryption with RSA, DHE, and a SHA1 MAC">
<!ENTITY cipher.details "Details...">
<!ENTITY cipher.ssl3.dhe_dss_aes_128_sha "128-bit AES encryption with DSA, DHE, and a SHA1 MAC">